
Welcome to the campaign page! Here you’ll be able to see everything you need to about our podcast, us, and any special announcements that come up. On behalf of my beloved friends and partners in crime, we hope you enjoy our podcast and our website.

-Sincerely, Yeva Ruiz

A message from the DM:

Dungeons and Donkers is our 5th edition actual play podcast. We recorded our first episode on Oct 9th 2021. Ale, Yeva, Parker, and me- Ryder Herring had been playing dnd for about 6 months. My older brother had just gone to college and we couldn’t play with him as much as I wanted. I had originally learned about DnD through The Adventure Zone podcast and I thought it would be the coolest thing possible to start our own. We got our name from the non-stop head donking that the players had constantly made against any valuable NPC I had created. I worked on world creation for 2 months before we started recording and then helped my friends make their characters. 

-Ryder Herring


A beautiful mosaic is intricately painted onto the ceiling of the hall. A carpet quiets your footsteps as you walk down the hall. You are colored by the light coming through the stained glass windows towering above you. Your figures cast long shadows down the hall from the room you just came from. As you walk down the hall you look up at the paintings above you. Your group has walked down this hallway many times seeing as it leads to the castle’s main war room. Even so it never ceases to dazzle and amaze you. The first picture shows a tan skinny man with a kind face looking down at you. He is completely surrounded by darkness. All of you know who that is, everyone on Bellum, knows who this is because you live on the remains of his body. Vive was the only being in the universe but he desired more. He divided himself into thirteen pieces who became the pantheon of gods that now walk the world. The depictions show Vive’s essence dribble down into the present gods. Delava god of war and conquest. Dikos, god of the sun and moon. Silva goddess of marriage and devotion. Santi-lena god of emotion. Abitha goddess of revenge and dueling. Tempestro god of storms, the sea, and seafaring. Ulaa goddess of hills and mountains. Gearno goddess of gears and technology. Protegous goddess of defense and homeland. Slava god of violence and death. Epiko-vastra goddess of Healing. De-im-gi god of knowledge, strategy, and scholarly magic. Chulamu goddess of untapped magic. You take in your pantheon of gods. Your world is diverse but one thing unites all of you, your deities. You continue down the hall to the far wall where you see an ornate wooden door. You push the doors open and come into the war room. 

And now you, the lovely reader will get to read all about the world of Bellum, and learn some random facts about it; like ALL it’s gods and goddesses, the countries within Bellum, and who knows what else! Enjoy! 



-Locum Portum

Capital: Laram

Population: 6.1 million

Government system: Monarchy

Products: Grain, steel, diamonds

Locum Portum is a highly religious country, and is even referred to as the Chosen Kingdom. It is led by Siloran. The kingdom has been in his family for many generations and the people of Locum Portum trust their king. The kingdom is mainly covered by farmland but has some steel industry where its borders overlap the Steel Root Mountains. The people of Locum Portum have become more laid back in the age of prosperity that has set on the continent, however, the kingdom is still protected by a vast order of paladins and clerics. 


Capital: Timèo

Population: 4.7 million

Government system: Monarchy

Products: Steel, bronze, coal, lumber

Barbarus is a kingdom that lies on the peaks of the Steel Root Mountains. Their cities are on the cliff sides. They are a group of crude beings whose settlements are made of stacked rock. At the base of the mountains there are large forests that the people of Barbarus use as their primary products for trade. Timèo, the capital of the kingdom, is made in tears on the side of the uppermost mountain peak. The people of Barbarus are strong powerful warriors. They are strongly protective of their land and any who try and invade their borders will find a deadly resistance. Their country borders giant territory and they are the first defense against any insurrection there. Barbarus is ruled by Ima Bloodbone; she is a fierce warrior and leads her country with strength.

-C.C.C. (Comercia Civitatem Commonwealth)

Capital: Jamsbun Prosperity

Population: 12 million

Government system: Democratic Monarchy

Products: Grain, meat, wine, lumber

Comercia Civitatem Commonwealth is Bellum’s largest producer of food. It also has the largest population on the continent, and so is a major consumer of pleasantries made in other countries. The people are relaxed; farmers, not fighters. They hire mercenaries from other countries to kill any monsters that are troubling the population. Their king, Gefory Jamsbun heavily prides himself on the lack of an army, saying that his country is too agreeable to ever need to fight another. The capital city, Jamsbun Prosperity is the center of a great flow of crops. Gefory is a greedy man and has an eye on the land owned by Ima Bloodbone and would jump at a chance to get it. 

-Vitrum Republic

Capital: Sunhaven

Population: 5.2 million

Government system: Republic

Products: crystal, Soldiers

The Vitrum Republic has the largest military force on Bellum. All its citizens must spend at least five years in service to their country in their prime. It is known for its cristal reserves that are what all of the military’s weapons and armor are made of. The leader, Chancellor Providen has a very tactical mind and his ancestor was the one who proposed the Octent Onvelope. The Antante is the three ports that protect the capital city of Sunhaven from a water invasion. They are three well graded towns with massive citadels at the center of each.


Capital: Gheram-Slaca

Population: 6.3 million

Government system: Democracy 

Products: Grain, coal, steel

Laeto is home to the largest population of dragons in Bellum. The government is democratic, giving all intelligent creatures a say in the country’s affairs. Laeto is slow to come to decisions because of their constant counting and recounting of votes. They have an armed force that is a mix of humanoid races and dragons. Dragons are commonly ridden into battle.


Capital: Porta-la-vassè

Population: 8.1 million

Government system: Monarchy

Products: medical herbs

Copiosa is a jungle island that is inhabited by dinosaurs. The majority of medical herbs come from this jungle. There are native races there who have adapted incredible skills to avoid the dangerous wildlife. People from the main continent have established settlements in tree cities and on stilts on the beaches. 

-Porte Lente

Capital: Porte Lente

Population: 2.1 million

Government system: Hierarchy

Products: Salt, sailors, Gift

Porte Lente is a port town that controls the arcane archipelago. It has few natural resources but has an excellent trading tool to get the food and supplies they need; the Gift. The government is unstable because of the constant power change of the nobles who live there.

-Telam Delirium

Capital: Lustus

Population: 3.1 million

Government system: Anarchy

Products: Spice

Little is known of the extremely happy folk of Telam Deilirum.


Dikos: god of the sun and moon.

Dikos, god of the sun and moon, is also the god of archery. Every day he shoots a flaming arrow across the sky and at night he sends a cold blue arrow. Dikos is not a patron to many, but he is acknowledged by every church as he is the one who gives light and warmth to the world. Dikos is commonly depicted as an elven man holding a bow made of fire and Ice with a halo of stars around his head. His symbol is a bow with two crossed arrows. 

Silva: goddess of devotion and marriage.

Silva, goddess of devotion and marriage, is the hope of love sick men and women all over the continent. Priests and priestesses of Silva are the ones who do marriage rights. Silva is generally loving and kind to any who cross her path. However, she does not look kindly upon any who go back upon their oaths of marriage. Silva is generally depicted as a woman in a flowy white dress holding a baby in one hand and a knotted red rope in the other hand. Her symbol is a knotted red rope. 

Santi-lena: god of emotion.  

Santi-lena is a god of roaring, flaming emotion. His followers act on impulse only, creating a very mixed group of worshipers. Santi-lena will take any offering as long as it stures a powerful emotion. He is depicted as a shirtless human man with long flowing blond hair, standing within a tide of many colors. His symbol is a human heart with different colors pulsing through it. 

Abitha: goddess of revenge, dueling, and honor.

Abitha is the goddess of revenge, dueling, and honor. She inspires those who have suffered defeat to go and retake what was stolen from them. She does not shed blood without need, but if an offence is done to her the perpetrators will find her wrath. She is depicted as a knight in blazing steel and gold armor with a giant ornate sword. Around her is an army of offending traitors lying dead on the ground. Her symbol is a longsword with the words Blood For Blood emblazoned in the handle. 

Tempestro: god of storms, seas, and seafaring. 

Tempestro, god of storms, seas, and seafaring is as praised as he is feared. Before any sea faring voyage the captain and crew hold a service to Tempestro, burning offerings to grant them safe passage through the roaring sea. Tempestro is often depicted as a head made of storm clouds with a colossal body formed by a billowing storm. His symbol is a boat floating in a calm sea. 

Ulaa: goddess of hills and mountains.

Ulaa is the goddess of hills and mountains. She is the lesser most of the pantheon. However, she does speak life into the plants and animals of sloped surfaces. Ulaa is commonly depicted as a human woman in a hooded cloak made of grass. Her symbol is a three green mountains side by side. 

Gearna: goddess of gears and constructs.

Gearna is the goddess of mechanical technology. Although artificers seldom have a patron, she looks upon them as kindred spirits and will often bless them with strokes of genius and technological breakthroughs. She is depicted as a feminen construct made of copper and wood. Her symbol is two gears fit together. 

Delava: god of war and conquest. 

Delava represents the heroic side of war. Soldiers who battle to save their comrades, commanders leading the charge into battle, and lone warriors facing down armies of enemy forces will often find favor with this god. When going to war both sides will often make offerings to Delava praying for a swift victory against their enemies. Delava is often depicted as a knight holding a sword with an army of soldiers behind him. His symbol is a red flag with a dragon emblazoned in gold on it.

Protegous: goddess of defense and homeland.

Protegous is the goddess of defense and homeland. She inspires nationalism among cities and in those who govern countries. Outposts, citadels, and castiles often have shrines to Protegous where the residents pray for safety. Protegous is often depicted as a young woman in sleek silver armor with a shield in one hand and a flag in the other. Her symbol is a shield with a wolf head engraved in it.

Slava: god of violence and death. 

Slava represents the bad side of war. Death, suffering, and hate are all emotions that Slava insights. Massacring tyrants, homicidal barbarians, and ruthless soldiers often find his favor. Slava is not often prayed to but he influences in less direct ways provoking unreasonable prejudice against one’s enemy. He is depicted as a black shadow whispering in the ears of mortals. His symbol is a black flag with a green dagger in the center. 

Epiko-vastra: goddess of healing.

Epiko-vastra is a loving goddess who heals sickness and disease. Out of the pantheon she is the most interactive in mortal affairs helping to heal the victims of her siblings’ wars and battles. She is often depicted as a black woman with green hair using a potion to heal a mortal. Her symbol is a four leafed clover.

De-im-gí: god of knowledge, strategy, and scholarly magic.

De-im-gi is a well of magical knowledge and unknown lore. Libraries are often filled with his presence allowing those searching there to find the knowledge they are looking for. Master strategists are often clerics of De-im-gi. He is often depicted as a wise old man with a long flowing gray beard and a pointy hat upon his head. His symbol is a blue circle with mist swirling within.

Chulamu: goddess of untapped magic. 

Chulamu is the goddess of untapped, and unsanctioned arcane potential. She is a source of chaotic powerful magic. Chaos sorcerers, and chaos barbarians, both rely on her for their magic. She is depicted as a female figure clad in robes of shimmering colors with her hair ablaze. Her symbol is a lit flame. 

Monsters of Bellum

There are only seven classes of monsters in Bellum. They were classified by Becamintous the traveling scribe in Becamintous’s Bestiary. All these monsters have been classified and studied.

Beasts, dragons, and monstrosities all are naturally occurring races on Bellum. Giants were the first races to emerge after Vive gave up his body to make the material plane. They still consider themselves the best race on Bellum but they have receded into the wilderness or mountains. Undead are merely risen creatures who were once living. Many plants have been changed by magic one way or another in magical spats. These monsters are classified as plants. Constructs were created by Gearna to help the living creatures of Bellum, however some have been corrupted after long years of use. 








The Octent

The Kingdoms of Bellum have formed a pact. All relying on each others resources. This bond is called the Octent. It was signed by all the kings of all the countries 1,000 years ago. This bond is solidified by the Octent Envelope. It was sealed and written in the blood of a dragon. This document is kept in Lightsing Citadel. This citadel is protected by the paladin order known as the Lightsingers.


Order of Herolds

To hold the peace in Locum Portum an order of holy soldiers was made. Leading this order is High Herold Ailizer; he is a very powerful paladin. The ranks of Heroldship are: 







Light Herold

High Herold

The Gift

On Bellum all magic comes from the gods. Clerics and Paladins are the major users of magic, and all other casters are inspired by them. The only way of using non holy energy is through a magic crystal called Gift. It is what powers the current age of prosperity and can only been mined in the Arcana Archipelago. It is what powers most magic items.