Hello! And welcome to our official Dungeons and Donkers website.

In this site you will be able see everything from our world information to our character stats!

If you have questions or suggestions, you can email us at dungeonsanddonkers@gmail.com and our DM will personally respond to you as soon as he can!

And now, with one of the numerous buttons above, you can see everything you’ll need.

My name is Ryder Herring, I was born in 2006 and I love D&D. I originally got into it through The Adventure Zone, a dnd podcast that I love. I began DM-ing for my friends without any template, book, or real experience. Luckily I found some tools like dndbeyond, Roll20, and 5etools to help me with monster and character stats. Even from the beginning my goal was to one day make a podcast. When my brother went to college and we couldn’t play our original campaign, I saw my opportunity. I love to cook, read, and have finished my first novel in a series as of writing this.

Hi my name is Parker Herring playing the part of your favorite gnome cleric artificer, Glim Folker Stumbleduck. I was born in 2009 and I love dnd. I discovered my love for the game recently. It is a great way to expand your imagination and have fun doing it. My brother first introduced me to it and I was intrigued. Soon after I began listening to podcasts on it such as the Damage Guild or Eldritch Dice which are some great family friendly ones. The whole group was listening to one dnd podcast or another, so we soon decided to make one of our own.

Hi my name is Ale Ruiz I was born in 2006, and I play Ren Chu, a paladin samurai. When I’m not recording podcasts with my friends and sister, I’m shredding on my BMX bike and homemade jumps. I’m also the tech guy of the podcast. I set up the recording equipment in my room and try and make it look as difficult as possible to impress people.

Sup guys! My name is Yeva Ruiz, I was born in 2008 and I’m the creator of this website. I also play the part of Glen Wetherballs, a paladin and master chef. When I’m not updating the website, or uploading our podcasts onto various platforms for you guys, I’m writing my science fiction novel, or possibly some poetry; or maybe I’m just hanging out with my cat. Otherwise I’m drawing in my sketchbook, or painting my face with some weird pattern or another.

Behold! The legendary studio setup!


DM: Ryder Herring

Glen Wetherballs: Yeva Ruiz

Glim Folker Stumbleduck: Parker Herring

Ren Chu: Ale Ruiz

Music Author: Ryder Herring

Audio Editor: Ryder Herring

Map Design: Ryder Herring

Studio: Ale’s bedroom

Audio Recorder: Ale Ruiz

Other Recording Tech Stuff: Ale Ruiz

Website Creator/Editor: Yeva Ruiz

Podcast Media Admin: Yeva Ruiz

Marketer: Ryder Herring and Yeva Ruiz. Or whoever has the better idea.

Cover Artist: Alexis Heart

Moral Support Officer: Parker Herring